Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chris Tomlin Concert

Ben and Wyatt clapping along. Cami is in the row behind them

For the last few months, Ben has been asking us if we could go to the Chris Tomlin concert. Since tickets were around $60 each, we had to say no. It would have been fun to buy them for an early birthday present, but reality is, we need to be smart with our money since we are hoping to save enough to go to Korea in a few years. With a family of 5, we need to start saving for that trip NOW. Yesterday Justin received an email from our pastor's wife, Lynn, stating that her sister won tickets and couldn't use them. If anyone was interested, the tickets were free. Free definitely fits in our budget, so he emailed her back and said that we would love the tickets. Since there are 4 tickets and 5 people in our family, Justin offered to stay home with Ian, who is currently fighting a lung infection and had visited Urgent Care last night for a chest Xray.

We brought Ben's friend, Wyatt, with us for the concert. Cami, Ben, Wyatt, and I headed to the Alliant Energy Center for the concert. I did not tell Ben until we were about to pull into the parking lot for the concert that we were going to see Chris Tomlin. He just knew that we were going to go somewhere awesome! To say he was surprised and excited is an understatement!

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