Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Past Posts

It has been a long time since I have posted. I have several posts that are in edit mode that I still either need to write on or upload pictures to. My days are filled with kids and driving to and from school, swim, gymnastics, etc. I love the chaos, but unfortunately, it leaves little time to catch up on other things. I hope to post more this weekend, but you will have to go into the history.

One exciting thing to add is that Justin and I are getting smart phones with Verizon. A friend gave us the opportunity to go onto their Verizon plan for a great discount, so we are finally moving off of the unreliable Sprint network and onto the Verizon network. I am looking forward to finally being able to answer the cell phone in my house. With Sprint, the call would either not come or it would be full of static or just drop. My number will remain the same, but the service will improve!

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