Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, November 23, 2007


We were holding out a little hope that we would get a call today. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Justin's aunt and uncle's house in Portage. It is always a good time with his family. There is always a big turnout for family holidays and events, which is one of many things that I love about his family. We enjoyed the afternoon and evening there before heading home. We decided to avoid the rush of shoppers this morning and the kids and I left the house around 9am to pick up a few things at the mall (discounts plus coupons..what could be better).

We got some bad news late this morning. Grandma Meier passed away yesterday afternoon in Sun City, Arizona. Grandpa was with her. We loved and adored Grandma Meier. She and Grandpa treated us like family from the first day we met them (a little over 10 years ago). We will truly miss her laughter and love. It is really hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful person.

We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are so thankful to have each and everyone of you in our lives. We feel truly blessed. Thank you for praying for us and supporting us in this journey to bring our son home.

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