Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekend/ Gerber Party

Dana with Midwest Airlines CEO Tim Hoeksema in front of the personalized director's chair Dana received for her Weekly WOW Customer Service award

It has been a busy weekend, our last booked weekend until after Ian comes home. We have cleared our schedule to prepare for our trip, whenever God may bless us. Friday Justin's parents came down in the early afternoon. It is always nice having them come down. They agreed to watch the kids so Justin and I could go to Milwaukee to attend a meeting with my CEO to receive a Customer Service award, called a WOW. It was a nice meeting and I received a director's chair with my name on it. Definitely a nicer gift than a plaque that would collect dust. It was an honor to sit and talk with Tim. We did make our plug for service to Portland, Oregon since my parents are near there (in Eugene). After attending the meeting, we headed to the Wyndham for my 10 year dinner. It was a great time seeing people out of uniform and enjoying a wonderful dinner. We stayed for the awards and pins and then headed out to Mequon to see our goddaughter, Katelyn for her birthday. We were also able to spend time with our friends, Ross and Jenn, who were in town with their children from Minnesota. Yes, we crammed as much as possible into our trip to Milwaukee. All this with about 2 hours of sleep since I had worked the LA redeye on Thursday night.

On Saturday, we hosted a Gerber party. What exactly is a Gerber Party you may ask...I signed up on houseparty.com from a suggestion from our friends Jim and Chris. You apply to host different parties, depending on your interests. Why would I sign up? There is no selling. You invite people over and just give products away. Gerber sent me 60 pounds of Gerber products to put into gift bags and give away to friends and family with small children that came over on November 10. What is the catch? You have to hold the party on the date houseparty.com chooses and you have to take pictures and upload them to prove that you gave stuff away. We had a wonderful time chatting and eating some yummy desserts. Everyone who came got a big bag of stuff to take home with them. Easy as that! Plus, I got enough rice cereal, oatmeal, and lots of baby food to last baby Ian for several months.

Today is low key with church and family time. We plan on hanging out at home and relaxing. We talked about finishing our packing in hopes that we get a call this week. Justin has the flights all planned out based on what time of day we get the call. He is hoping for a call early in the day so that we can be on a plane to LA at 8pm out of Milwaukee the same night and hopefully connect with the Korean Airlines flight at 1:30am. He has a similar plans if we get a call later in the day. We are just hopeful that we will be blessed with a call this week. We are all anxious to go and meet our son. The only pictures we have of our 8 month old son is his 2 month picture. We are promised updated pictures from the director of our international agency, but we still haven't seen any. At this point we would rather travel and take our own pictures than be sent updated pictures. We are hopeful for travel this week. We ask for your continued prayers and support. Stay tuned for more updates...

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