Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, December 1, 2007

We Made It!

We made it. We got cleared for the 12:10am flight at 11:25pm. So we had to scurry on over to the gate and we were able to start boarding when we got there. So there was no time to post.
I’m convinced we have some of the best traveling kids in the world. After dragging them all over time during the last 48 hours, they didn’t have any major meltdowns. Cami even slept through a major portion of the flight without waking up in a screaming fit. So they’ve been taking the whole thing in stride.

We checked into our hotel, Seoul Millennium Hilton this morning around 9am. The rooms weren’t ready yet, but they kindly let us stay in a temporary room while they got our rooms ready. Internet costs an arm and leg so our posts may not be as frequent as we’d hoped.
It's quite a nice hotel and everything is decorated to hilt for Christmas. There is a huge, probably 50-60 foot tall Christmas tree in the lobby. The hotel even has an Art Gallery of Vincent Van Gogh. After checking in, we also looked at the beautiful pool area, looked at the selections at the 9 different restaurants in the hotel (most out of our price range) and looked at the many trains set up around the 3 story Christmas tree and Nativity set.

After a bit of a rest and lunch at the Korean restaurant across the street from our hotel, we headed to Namdamun Market. Dana got her "New York" fix by picking up a couple of purses at bargain prices. Cami found a purse that she was very excited about buying with her money (following in mommy's footsteps), so Mommy got one to match. Cami is so excited to have matching purses! We waded through the rest of the shops and found a couple of items to buy and maybe a few to go back for (especially the Hanboks - traditional Korean clothing for the children).

Ben fell asleep at the market and has been out since. I think he's had it. So he'll probably wake up in the middle of the night, ready to go.

Tomorrow we're hoping to check out a palace and go to a couple more markets. Even though we've been here before, simply walking down the street is an adventure.
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Rosie O'Hearn said...

Yay! How very exciting. Maybe your next post will include a new family picture including the newest addition! I'll have to agree with you on having the best traveling kids around....going to the other side of town with my two in tow is a major undertaking sometimes and they're 9 and almost 6...yeesh! Continue to take care of yourselves. Know that we're thinking of and praying for all of you! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Love the purse photo! I am so excited to be reading your trip adventures! All of you must be so excited right now.

I can't wait to share with your our New York adventures. We missed having you there!

It was great seeing you off at the airport on Wednesday in Milwaukee.

Chris and Jim