Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Steps

Today is yet another cold, icy, and snow filled day in Wisconsin. We had planned to go to church this morning and then the Korean New Year Party for our Korean adoption group. We stayed in the house all day. While it is pretty to watch the snow come down, it was not a nice day to be in it. After much deliberation with the Korean group board, we decided to cancel the New Year's party for today. The decision was tough since the food prep had already begun. We made dumplings at Jung Sook's house
on Saturday afternoon, which I have to add is quite a process. All the ingredients inside the dumplings are prepared individually before mixing together and then putting inside the dumpling shell. The ladies from the Korean church have worked hard to prepare food for the party. After some discussion, we decided to move the party to this coming weekend and have it with Ian's Tol/ 1st birthday party. It works perfectly since many of the people attending Ian's party are from the Korean group. Those that are not from the Korean group are in for a treat. There will be Korean food prepared by ladies that are from Korea. The food is amazing! We are so blessed that they have offered to help. We look forward to seeing you at the party. Please let me know if you can attend either by emailing dmarthaler@gmail.com or calling.

We do have some fun news. The bad weather kept us inside all day, which gave us time to play inside and get a few chores done around the house that we needed to do. Ian took the opportunity to show us that he can walk. He took 3 steps from daddy into mommy's arms. We were so proud of him. He has been standing on his own now for a few weeks and has been thinking about taking a step. He finally got up the courage to try it out with mommy and daddy right there watching. It was truly an amazing event. We are so proud!!!


Rosie O'Hearn said...

Yay, Ian! Good job, little man! This blog has been such an incredible way to keep up with all his accomplishments. Now I really wish there had been one for Ben and Cami as well. It would have been wonderful to share in your excitement of their successes, too! Ian looks so proud....where's the picture of Mom and Dad looking even prouder? Tee hee!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dearest Ian, happy birthday to you!

Love, love, and more love for all of you.......The O'Hearns

Third Mom said...

I happened upon your blog through Google, and oh it's bringing me back to see the photos of your son! Mine went off to college this fall, still can't believe it, and college is on the horizon for my daughter.

I hope your journey is filled with the same joy ours has been!

And I hope your New Year Party was a good one - our group did one a well, so much fun!