Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


We did not get the call. We were hopeful for a phone call, but were not counting on it. We are extremely disappointed that after being promised updated pictures and updated information on Ian for over a month now, we were told today that he is the one baby the director did not see while she was in Korea for 2 weeks. This information would have been nice to have instead of continuously promising that we would have an update when the director came back. We were even told yesterday that they would email us the updated pictures they had before Thanksgiving. Now we are told that oops, he is the one baby she did not see. How heartbreaking. I don't think they understand the stress and emotional turmoil this puts on us. To have a child out there and not know how he is doing or how he is progressing is emotionally devestating. To say that we are disappointed is an understatement. A week from today he will be 9 months old and we still only have pictures of him at 2 months. While we are grateful for at least these, we still would like to see how he looks today (or even last month). I do realize that in 6 months we will look back at this and be happy that he is in our arms, but it does not replace the days, weeks, and months that our child is not with us to hold and kiss.
We do appreciate the continued prayers and support from you as this is an extremely difficult and emotional time for us.

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