Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Travel Plans

We've made it back from Phoenix and now we're unpacking and finalizing our packing so we can leave again tomorrow morning. Our kids are playing crazily in the basement. Sometimes I really what is going through their head.. lots of airplane flights, getting to see Grandma Bonnie, going to Korea, picking up baby Ian. I wonder how they process it all.

Our travel plans as they stand now are to leave on the 850am flight from Milwaukee to Los Angeles. We arrive in LA around 11am, although the headwinds going west are strong, so we'll probably be in for a longer flight. Dana's Mom Bonnie is leaving Eugene, OR at 6am and arrives in LA around 8am. She'll go to the Sheraton Gateway hotel and hang out until we arrive. We have a room at the hotel for a "home base" and naps, etc. It looks like Dana's sister-in-law Alison and her kids Austin (6) and Kylie(4) are going to come up for dinner. The kids are hoping to swim in the pool.

Our Korean Airlines flight leaves at 12:10am (technically Friday morning, Nov. 30th). We're flying on standby tickets Dana got through a pass arrangement Korean has with other airlines. That greatly reduces our costs, but increases our risk of not getting on the flight. It sounds like there are a few seats open on that flight yet, but the reservations agent wasn't overally helpful or optimistic sounding. Hopefully a few people will decide to not take this flight so we can!

If we get on that flight, we'll arrive in Korea on Saturday morning, Dec. 1 at 6:20am - completely "missing" Friday.

We're still waiting to hear whether or not the guest house is available. If it is, we're going to stay there for our trip. If not, we have a reservation at a Hilton.

We're hoping to be able to meet baby Ian on Monday. We've tentatively planned our return trip for Thursday, Dec. 6th. And we'll arrive home in Milwaukee the same day - we get our day back. How does that whole missing day thing work when you are born in Korea - I'm sure that's going to lead to extended birthdays when the kids get old enough to figure that out on their own.

So it's back to packing.

1 comment:

Rosie O'Hearn said...

If I've been floating on air since Tammy shared the news, I can only imagine where you and your family must be. I'm so excited for you, Justin, Dana, Ben, and Cami! (Of course, I'm very happy for your extended families as well especially because it includes all of us at Strand...okay sort of anyway!) Have a safe and wonderful trip, and give Baby Ian an extra hug from me. Take care and God bless!