Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ian's Birthday

Ian will be 9 months old tomorrow, Tuesday, November 27. Another month has gone by without him being with us. It is a hard knowing that our family is not yet complete. As each day begins, we hold out hope that there will be a phone call. We know that when we least expect it, it will happen.
Tomorrow we fly to Arizona to celebrate Grandma Ginette Meier's life. We know that she is happy in heaven, but we still mourn knowing that we won't see her again until we are in heaven.

1 comment:

Rosie O'Hearn said...

My heart goes out to you on the death of your loved one, but it rejoices too at being in God's loving hands. And on a much happier note: Congratulations; I just heard the wonderful news! I am so very happy for you and can hardly wait. Safe and happy travel.
God bless! Love and hugs to all!