Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, February 1, 2008

Broccoli lover

We have another broccoli lover. Ian loves eating broccoli. We gave him some cooked broccoli from a noodle dish we had yesterday and he was very vocal about wanting more and more. He happily ate the noodles, but kept wanting more broccoli. He and Ben had to fight over what was in the dish. I guess I should have added more.
We made another trip to the doctor yesterday for what seemed to be an ear infection. With him having a cold and low grade fever, the doctors office suggested I bring him in. I initially called to ask about the length of time I should let the tugging of the ears go on. I wasn't too concerned other than that he has been tugging on his ears last week and now he had started crying when he did it. We learned that he had a build up of wax in his ears, which may have caused the pain, along with pain he may be feeling due to teething. We are happy that we were able to leave without a prescription. Dr. Yu also checked out his bottom and suggested we just keep doing
prescription and other other creams.
I had a Lipstick Jungle party last night, which went well. I got chosen to host the party to promote the upcoming show on NBC, which premieres Feb. 7 on NBC. It was a great show and all who attended enjoyed the show and the gift bags that NBC and Maybelline sent for the guests.
Yesterday was a bittersweet day for Midwest Airlines. After over 24 years as an independant carrier, they were purchased by TPG financial. This starts a new chapter for Midwest Airlines. While I am very happy that Midwest was not purchased by AirTran, it makes me a little sad that things are bound to change with new ownership. Hopefully the changes will be positive and that the airline will continue to grow...maybe even adding a city in Oregon??? We would love that, of course.
The kids are happy as they finish their lunch. We look forward to a relaxing and informative weekend as we attend a seminar on Christianity and Islam. Have a great weekend!

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