Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rough Week

Last week was a tough one so here's to hoping that this week is better.

It started on Sunday with Dana going to the doctor for strep throat. That wiped her out well into Tuesday. Ben woke up in the middle of the night on Tuesday with an upset stomach that later became very upset (twice).

On Wednesday, Ian had a dr. appointment for his never-ending diaper rash. That was the day of the 13.5" blizzard. Luckily, the appointment was earlier in the day and we live about 2 miles from our doctor. It took about 2 hours to shovel the driveway. But other than Ian's diaper rash, this was our healthiest day of the week.

Early Thursday morning, Dana awoke with a gastrointestinal bug again causing the very upset stomach. School was delayed 2 hours that morning and somehow she managed to take care of the kids all day. Shortly after waking up, Ian also got the GI bug and starting throwing up.

On Friday morning, I awoke feeling a bit unsettled in the stomach. I took the kids to preschool/daycare and headed to work. I only made it for 3 hours before I headed home to sleep most of the rest of the day.

Saturday was better, but both Dana and I were wiped out from being sick and lacking sleep.

But despite the rough week, there have been several positives.
  • Ian's never ending diaper rash seems to be going away with this latest medicine.
  • Cami somehow managed to stay healthy.
  • Several friends in our Korean group had planned to make us meals for this week before even knowing we were going to have the week we did. It couldn't have been a better week to have that happen and we're grateful for the generosity.
  • We were healthy on the day when the shoveling needed to be done and we were not in an any accidents.
  • Today is a new week and we're praying for better

Tomorrow, I leave for a work trip, going to our offices in Indianapolis and Columbus, Indiana. I'm praying that everyone stays healthy so Dana has an easier time with the kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so feel your pain/situation! It's times like these that I wish we lived in Madison because then it would be so easy for me to help with the kids. Elizabeth and Erin would have loved the playmates or playing nurse! It's really hard when you don't have family around. Family is usually willing to watch kids, even when they're sick....and although I'm not exactly family, I'd still be willing! Wanna move to Fort? I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Wanna find me a great house in Madison and an Art teacher's job for Peter? Heh! If only it was that easy. Know that I add my prayers to yours for better health and a better week. Love and hugs to all!
