Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Phoenix Getaway

We headed to Phoenix to visit Grandpa Meier and take the chance to get a little warmth in our skin. The kids had a hard time sleeping because they were so excited to go on the plane and go to Arizona. They remember being here just 3 months ago, the exact trip when we got the phone call to go and get Ian. We enjoyed time with Grandpa. Ian and Grandpa got to know each other a little bit. We also got to see Grandma Meiers memorial. We miss her so much, but know that she is much happier in heaven with God.
We got to the hotel after visiting grandpa and enjoyed some time in the pool and hot tub. We are now ready for relaxing and go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day for Ian as he turns 1 year old. The last three months has gone by way to fast. It is sad to know that our baby is growing up. Tomorrow we plan to have a little fun before heading back to chilly and snowy Wisconsin. The 80 degree weather has been a nice teaser.

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