Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Birthday party for Ben

Ben and his cake

Ben's Star Wars birthday cake.

Yvonne and the kids watching the start of the movie.

The kids are ready for the movie!
Morgan and Ben

Ian trying on Ben's Star Wars mask
Cami is proud of the present that she got Ben.
The kids had fun playing outside on the play system.

Ben liked the present Zach got him!
Cami and Morgan didn't mind being the only girls at the party.

Kobe, Ben, and Caleb waiting for their food.

It was a fun, yet busy day. The kids got pjs on and watched the Star Wars movie.
The kids collected over 200 eggs between them.
Caleb, Ben, Cami, and Jared showing off their bags of eggs.
The kids ran around collecting the eggs from the lawn, trees, and sidewalk.
Posing with the Easter bunny.

Another busy week for the Marthaler family.  Who knew that being unemployed I would actually become MORE busy instead of less.  
On Friday we had an early birthday party for Ben.  His birthday is April 14, but since that is right after Easter, we decided to have it a little early.  Ben invited 8 friends to come to the house for pizza, then to the movie theater to see Monster Vs. Aliens 3D, then back to the house for cake and ice cream and opening presents.  The kids also enjoyed time outside in the backyard playing on the play system while they waited for their parents to pick them up.  It is a good feeling to see a smile on your child's face after a party and they keep telling everyone how 'awesome' it was.  Since Jared and Caleb came from Milwaukee, Ben had invited them to spend the night.  He always enjoys spending time with both of them, so after his other friends were picked up, the boys got pjs on and played with Ben's new toys and then watched part of the Star Wars movie.

Saturday morning came very early as the boys and Cami were up very late.  Jason Weber and Justin spent the morning with Ian playing Frisbee golfing.  For those that are unfamiliar with this sport, it is actually quite fun and we would love to take you frisbee golfing sometime.  I took the four older kids to Easter for Families at St. Paul.  The kids always enjoy this event as they get to do crafts, dye easter eggs, meet the Easter bunny, go on an easter egg hunt, hear the REAL Easter story, and collect a HUGE bag of candy.  This year they concluded with giving away 8 bikes. For the Preschool Girls age group, they called Cami's name.  Cami was so excited!  
We returned home to show Justin and Jason our bags of stuff (crafts, dyed easter eggs, candy, etc) and Cami's new bike.  We enjoyed some lunch and then had to say good bye to Caleb and Jared and Jason.  

We look forward to church on Sunday where the kids will participate in the Easter Cantata and then hopefully the family will have a nice long afternoon nap!

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