Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

We are wondering if warm weather would ever come.  There was a little tease of it on Thursday and Friday when we had a rummage sale at our house.  On Thursday, after 2 1/2 hours of rain, it finally warmed up to 68 degrees.  On Friday, we were blessed with 80 degrees. I was completely amazed at how many people were out rummaging before 8am.  My friend, Stacy, and I planned on opening our sale at 8am and ended up having about 25 people show up to buy stuff starting at 7:15am.  I do feel blessed that we got rid of 2/3 of our stuff despite the rain.  

Friday evening was Ben and Cami's musical for K-3rd grade.  They sang songs and danced about being FIT and eating healthy.  Preschool performed during the intermission.

Justin ran the Crazylegs race on Saturday, placing 20th in his age group.  Over 17,000 runners came out in the pouring rain to run this year.  After the race, Dana and Ian picked him up and headed to his work so he could shower and change.  We then picked up the kids at Korean class and headed to Delavan to celebrate the baptism of Dana's cousin's youngest son.  We enjoyed the time with family and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousins.
Sunday is filled with another race for Justin, this time the Bear Trax 20K then to the Voter's meeting at church.  
We are thankful for time together as a family this weekend.  It seems that time goes by too fast and it is nice to take time away from the everyday craziness in order to slow down and connect with the kids and with each other. 

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