Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, April 17, 2009


"I wonder if anyone is watching"

Ben and Cami ready for Easter service.

Ben found his easter basket

Cami found her basket

Ian was happy to dig into his treats.

Family picture in front of church

Kids in front of church. Yes, Ian is sound asleep.

We look forward to Easter as it is a time of renewal as we celebrate our risen Lord. The kids have enjoyed learning about Jesus resurrection in school.  When asked if they were excited about Easter and the easter bunny, Ben responded with "it is when we celebrate Jesus being raised from the dead".  It brings joy to our heart that he is learning about his Lord and Savior.

We seem to be plagued with illness this year, however, we made it a little over 2 weeks without anything until Easter weekend.  Ben and Ian both developed a cold.  Ian spent a few nights having trouble sleeping due to coughing and congestion.  We were disappointed to miss the Kenyon family Easter in Lake Geneva on Saturday because of lack of sleep and illness.  

We awoke Easter morning bright and early as the kids were excited to go on the hunt for their baskets.  The kids were excited to find their treasures of treats and toys.  We left for church and enjoyed a nice service.  It is unfortunate that church can't be that full every Sunday.  Ian fell asleep toward the end of the service (as seen in the pictures above).  

We pray that you all had a blessed Easter and were able to celebrate Jesus resurrection! 

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