Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bike Riding

The Lord has blessed us with another perfect week of weather. We are so thankful that we have been able to spend so much time outside this week. I often think that I should clean or do something productive inside the house, but don't have the motivation nor the desire to give up being outside with the kids.

It was a challenging last 2 weeks as we have had a lot of kids in and out of our house. I have had more patience than I thought I would. I love kids and am grateful to have the opportunity to watch additional children and have money put into my LA fund for January. With such a tight budget, any additional gifts are put toward spending money and taxes for the trip. We are working on a way to possibly get discounts or borrow dresses, etc for the show. We plan to contact local boutiques, etc about the possibility to borrow dresses for the show and to walk the celebrity red carpet.

This week Justin took the training wheels off of Cami's old bike and has helped her practice riding. She is starting to get the hang of it, but still requires daddy to be right next to her. Her goal (and daddys) is to have her riding without training wheels before the snow and cold weather hits.

Today Justin came home early from a work trip to Milwaukee. He biked to school to pick up Ben. I dropped off Ben's bike earlier in the day so they could ride home together. Ben enjoyed the trip with dad. He LOVES the one on one time with dad doing something they both enjoy. The trip is twice as far as it was from Eastside Lutheran, but Ben did it without any trouble. We are SO proud of him!

Tonight we look forward to a visit from our friends, Ross and Jenn and their kids. They will stop by and spend the night with us on their way to see Ross's family. We head to Justin's parents house on Saturday. We are thankful for a nice long weekend to relax and connect as a family. The kids are looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa's house. They always have a long list of things they like to do with them. Grandma and Grandpa will be tired by the end of the weekend, but mom and dad will be refreshed and relaxed. Thanks Sandy and Neil for entertaining the kids with fishing, feeding rabbits, making cookies, having a bonfire, running, biking, playing, reading, etc that you do with the kids!

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