Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, September 18, 2009


I received a link to a You Tube video that made me smile.
I reflect upon being laid off almost a year ago after a dozen years doing something that I LOVED doing. I reflect upon the memories of good times with the friends that I made going out, meeting various celebrities, flying different major sports teams on their game charters, shopping in New York, sightseeing around different cities around the country, Mardi Gras, day trips to various cities just for fun...things I never had dreamed about before this job. I reflect also on the not so good times with verbal and physical threats from passengers, 9/11, engine failures, medical emergencies including heart attacks, preterm labor, attempted suicide, to name a few. I feel blessed every day that I had the privilege to stumble into a job that I would bring many great memories for myself and for my family. The kids don't realize it now, but hopefully they will appreciate the miles they have flown around the world. Ben is just starting to realize that flying over 100,000 miles before your 6th birthday is not something that everyone is able to do.

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