Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ian is excited to take his first swimming lesson
Ian practices his kicks
Ian learning how to do a back float
Ian and his friend, Amelia

Ian had his first swim class today. He has been excited about going in the pool since mid August when Cami and Ben went to swim camp at Kittleson. He and friend, Amelia, are the only 2 kids in their class and the only ones in the entire pool during their class. Since the earlier class was full, they decided to open up an additional class to accomodate them. He and Amelia had a great time doing back floats, jumping in the water, and practicing their kicks. Their favorite time was the "magic carpet" ride at the end, where they sing songs and splash in the water.

The kids on the "magic" carpet

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