Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ian's Cell Phone

I think the kids are getting anxious to pick up Ian. Yesterday, Dana sent me an e-mail that said, "Cami thinks we should call Ian's cell phone to tell him that we need to come and get him".

I hope that enthusiasm continues once Ian comes home.

Last night the kids and I read a children's book about traveling to Seoul. Ben wants to see a wrestling match (Ssireum) and taekwondo. He was also interested in visiting the palaces. He especially liked that the book was written in Korean and English. He kept pointing out all the Korean letters that he knows. It should be a fun trip.

1 comment:

Rosie O'Hearn said...

Reading the blog has made me feel as if I'm part of the "family" anxiously awaiting Ian's arrival. I am so excited to meet him. I'd love to see Ben and Cami in person again, too; it's been too long since August! The picture of Cami is wonderful and you all have certainly done a beautiful job on Baby Ian's room. Congratulations, and thank you for the wonderful updates.