Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ian's 1st Birthday

Ben and Cami holding a giraffe bone

The family at the Phoenix Zoo
February 27 is a very important day in the Marthaler family. We celebrate Ian's birthday and Cami's baptism birthday. We spent the morning at the Phoenix Zoo enjoying the animals and the warm weather. It was nice to get away from the cold. The kids loved having the opportunity to wear shorts and run around outside.

After the zoo, we headed back to Wisconsin and back to the cold. We had a great flight back. Ian got to celebrate his birthday with 2 Midwest chocolate chip cookies. He wasn't too interested in the cookies after 2 small bites.
Ian enjoying his own seat on Midwest Airlines

We got back to Milwaukee and checked Dana's work mail. A supervisor had put a newspaper clipping from the USA Today on February 15 that showed Dana and Ian with Mike Huckabee. It is pretty cool that Ian has been seen by people all over the United States. We will put the picture in his baby book for him to see when he gets older. It is a pretty proud moment for mom and dad to see Ian in the paper!

February 15, 2008 USA Today picture of Ian and Dana meeting Mike Huckabee

Ian is enjoying his brownie cake

We made one stop on the way home from Milwaukee to Madison for dinner. The kids chose TGIFridays for dinner. We enjoyed our dinner and then sang Happy Birthday to Ian as he dug into a chocolate brownie.

1 comment:

Allyson said...

too cool with the USA today picture!!

I guess we're all famous now... lol