Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas letter 2010

Christmas 2010

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.”

– Jeremiah 23:5

In a time when our political leaders often seem to lack wisdom, we eagerly seek a King who will reign wisely. That King is here. His name is Jesus and He reigns supreme. During this Christmas season, we celebrate His birth and await His second coming. While we wait, we serve Him by dedicating all that we do to his glory.

2010 was a year of transition and growth. Our family is growing up and we’re transitioning into a more settled family as we no longer have Dana’s flight benefits to assist our travels.

We started out the year by making one last trip on Midwest Airlines, where Dana worked for 12 years. Midwest was bought by Republic Airlines and merged into Frontier Airlines. Seeing Midwest fade away was like losing an old friend. While we can no longer visit, we still have fond memories. Our last trip was to California. Dana had won a trip, with six of her friends, to the People’s Choice Awards through a Clairol contest. Since Dana’s brother lives in Southern California, we decided to have a late Christmas. Dana’s Mom, Bonnie, and step-Dad Bruce flew down from Eugene, Oregon. Dana had a paid ticket so this meant Justin and the kids would fly standby. Unfortunately, all the flights to LA were full, so Justin and the kids flew to Phoenix and drove six hours to catch up with Dana. Dana had a great time at the People’s Choice Awards and the kids enjoyed the time with their cousins, grandparents, and aunt and uncle. We also made a trip to Disneyland. Fortunately, the return trip didn’t require driving 6 hours as we were able to fly back from LA.

Our youngest, Ian turned three in February. Grandma and Grandpa Marthaler and Aunt Keri, Uncle Joe, and Cousin Natalie came to celebrate with Ian. Our friends Brian and Sarah Hackman and their kids Amelia and Ben, whom Dana watches 2-3 days per week also came to celebrate. Ian loves trains so Grandma Sandy made a train themed caked that he absolutely loved. After eating cake, we went sledding on a nearby hill.

Justin is in his 13th year at Strand Associates, working as a network administrator. He occasionally travels for work and this year a well timed phone system upgrade project took him to the Phoenix office in early March. After he finished up the project, he was able to catch a Milwaukee Brewers spring training game.

Ben turned seven in April. He celebrated at a Milwaukee Admirals game with six of his friends. After the game, they slept over at the house. Even though he likes to watch hockey, his favorite game to play is basketball. During the winter months, Ben played Upward Basketball. He also enjoys soccer and has participated in a couple of soccer camps during the year.

In May, Dana’s friend Liz from Chile, came to visit. Liz was an exchange student who stayed with Dana for a short time during her high school days. Dana’s Mom Bonnie, her brother Mike and niece Kylie were out for a visit around the same time. It was a busy, fun time with lots of catching up, eating out, and visiting the sites in Madison.

Next up was a short family vacation to the National Railway Museum in Green Bay so we could see Thomas the Train for Ian. We got to ride on Thomas and there were lots of additional activities that the kids enjoyed. We stayed overnight at the Tundra Lodge where the kids enjoyed the water park. The next day we went to Bay Beach and met up with a classmate from college, Trisha Anderson (nee’ Parsons) and her kids. After returning to Madison, Justin ran to Chicago. He raced in the Madison-Chicago 200 mile relay race. A colleague from work, Jeff Rau, organized a 12 person team aptly named Cheaper by the Dozen. Justin ran three legs for a total of 20.7 miles and kept up a blog throughout the race at http://cheaperbythedozenrelay.blogspot.com. Everyone put in a great effort and the team ran faster than estimated to finish in 28:08:08, 35th out of 203 teams.

Dana and Justin celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary with a trip to Wisconsin Dells with friends Becca and Bill Boppre. We all brought our kids and enjoyed a sunny day at the water park. After that, we took the kids to Justin’s parents. Their anniversary gift was a couples’ massage and a weekend without the kids. Awesome!

During the summer months, Ben and Cami participated in several Vacation Bible School programs. Ian even got to participate in one. He was proud to go to “school”. We also joined the Prairie Athletic Club in Sun Prairie for the summer so we could take advantage of the outdoor water park. We also enjoyed a few outings at the ballpark with the Madison Mallards.

Later in the summer, we went to State Fair. Justin won a spot in the state mooing finals which came with tickets to the fair. Cheering him on was our friend Brian and his kids Amelia and Ben. Justin mooed his best, but the younger moo-ers seems to have an edge as the contest was ultimately won by a 10 year old.

Cami celebrated her sixth birthday with Grandma and Grandma Marthaler, Aunt Keri and Cousin Natalie. Grandma made a princess cake that made the day even more special. The next day she had a pool party with her friends on a hot, sunny day in August.

Just before school started up again, the kids had a scare at one of their swimming lessons. A large amount of chlorine leaked into the empty hot tub at the facility forcing an evacuation. All the kids got checked out by EMTs and one of the instructors had to spend a night in the hospital. Thankfully, the kids were ok, although there was extra coughing for the next couple of days. Cami came down with a fever that kept her out of school for her first day of 1st grade. The kids are again attending Abundant Life Christian School. Ben is in 2nd grade. After getting through his boredom with the review portion that always starts a school year, he is doing very well in school. His favorite time is still recess, but he is learning how to carry in math and enjoys learning cursive writing and art class. Cami has blossomed academically and is reading extremely well, enjoys her time in art and music, and is doing well in all subjects. We feel blessed to have our kids at a Christ-centered school with excellent academics.

The fall has zipped by. Dana is watching 2 year old Chloe full time this year as well as the Hackmans 2-3 days/week. So the house is always busy. Since her car accident last winter, Dana has been doing physical therapy to improve her back. In addition, she tried a procedure called Prolotherapy which injects a sugar water solution into the tendons and ligaments to stimulate inflammation which causes the body to heal. Her first three injections went really well and have reduced the pain she feels. The fourth injection ended up nicking the spinal column, causing a leak of spinal fluid that resulted in a terrible migraine. She had to get a “blood patch” to alleviate the problem.

As the door closes on 2010 and we hurtle into 2011, we reflect on our blessings. We are so thankful for our family, friends, and most especially for our Savior Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2011.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Weekend

Everyone woke early on Christmas morning to see what Santa placed in their stockings. The kids were excited to see that Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk they set out. They quickly opened their stockings and saw the presents under the tree.
Ben loves that Santa brought board games and a Science kit.
Cami poses with her stocking
After opening the presents and having some breakfast, we all got ready to head up to Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Neil's house to celebrate Christmas with them. Once we got there, we enjoyed a delicious meal then headed to the living room to open presents. Ian was excited to get a quilt with trains and helicopters on it.
Cami loves her dolls and Ben loved getting more games!
We spent the rest of the weekend enjoying more wonderful food, treats, time with each other, a movie, sledding, and the kids, Justin, and Grandpa all got haircuts.
Ian finishing his haircut
once handsome boy!
Ben and Grandma used a recipe from Ben's new Star Wars cookbook to make delicious strawberry shakes.
Grandpa made a huge sledding hill with his tractor. Everyone had a great time sledding down the hills.

Another wonderful Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We decided this year that we would start our own Christmas family traditions. After a really hard week of Dana recovering from a spinal blood patch after complications from a procedure, we were happy to have a day to spend together as a family. We decided that every Christmas we want to do some form of service. Last year the kids enjoyed ringing bells for the Salvation Army, so we decided to do it again this year. We were lucky enough to get the last slot at Hy-Vee, from 8-10am, on Christmas Eve.

After a morning at Hy-Vee, we went home. We let the kids each open up a gift. They spent part of the morning playing their new Wii while mom prepared Bulgogi, a Korean dish, and dad prepared Bobalki, a Slovakian dish. After a nice nap, we enjoyed an early dinner then headed to Christmas Eve service.
a family picture in front of church
a family picture in front of our Christmas tree
gift bag from Cami with her Christmas tree ornament in it
Christmas bag from Ben with Christmas tree ornament in it
Christmas tree ornament from Cami
Kids opening their gifts
Of course with Christmas morning right around the corner, the kids were eager to set out Christmas cookies and milk for Santa in hopes that Santa would leave a present and fill stockings.
Santa enjoyed some milk and cookies

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Family Prayer



Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh Christmas Wii, Oh Christmas Wii

The kids were beyond excited when they got the opportunity to open their Christmas present from Aladodo and Papa a little early.

"the best present ever"
thanking to Aladodo and Papa over the phone
jumping up and down with excitement

Sound asleep and missing all the excitement
let the games begin!
"I wish this bowling had bumpers"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Baking Cookies

Christmas time is coming soon, which means...
Christmas cookie time!!!
The kids got their gingerbread aprons (made special by Aladodo) to wear while making Gingerbread cookies and Hershey kiss sugar cookies.
The kids couldn't wait to get started. Daddy and the boys made sugar cookies. Daddy pulled them out of the oven and set them on the table so the kids could work together on unwrapping the mint Hershey kisses to put in the middle of each cookie.
Of course, they each had to try a chocolate.
Next, Ben found the cookie cutters while Cami worked on rolling out the cookie dough to make gingerbread cookie cutouts.
They each made gingerbread men and women. After the cookies were baked and dinner was finished, each of the kids happily tried out their creations!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ALCS Christmas Concert

What a joyous occasion on Tuesday evening as we headed to ALCS for the Elementary Christmas concert. This year's theme was Christmas Favorites of the last 5 years. The kids did a great job performing. A fun time was had by all!
Cami's class anxiously awaits the start of the concert
back- Cami, Ana,Will
Front- Sydney, Cruz, Tricia, TJ, and Mara
Ben and Grant
The kids begin their concert
Singing praises

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Tree 2010

The time has come to head to the backyard and pick out the perfect tree to be this years Christmas tree. Just 10 years ago, Neil and Sandy brought us 21 trees to plant in our backyard. Since we were pretty sure some would not survive the transplant, we planted them all. We were blessed with all of them surviving, unfortunately, as they grow, they are running out of space. It is time to weed some out so the others can grow and spread out. Last year a few trees went to good homes and we decided to do that again this year. One tree left to become the school Christmas tree at ALCS, one will make its way across the street to the Ruhle home, and a third will become our family Christmas tree. Ben and Justin headed outside to choose the perfect one for our house.

Ben and Daddy find the perfect tree in the yard to become the Marthaler Christmas Tree 2010
Ben and Cami both help daddy with sawing the trunk of the tree.
Two strong men pull the tree from the backyard to the front yard to get it ready to put in the house.
Cami takes a quick break to try on the dresses Aladodo and Papa sent her.
Time to open their first present, an ornament for the Christmas tree.

Cami and Ben both find ornaments they made when they were in preschool.
The boys LOVE helping put the ornaments on. It is fun picking out which ones will decorate the tree each year.
Cami gets a little help from daddy to put some ornaments on the top of the tree.

Ian loves Mickey Mouse and trains. His ornament is to remember our time at Disneyland meeting Mickey and also our time this summer at the train museum in Green Bay where he met Thomas the Train.
Cami loved her ballerina ornament, which reminded her of her time at PAC when she took ballet class.
Ben loves Star Wars, so Yoda and the Storm Trooper were a great addition to his ornament collection.

To top off the decorating, Cami and Ian pulled out the Christmas window clings to decorate the front window.