Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Baking Cookies

Christmas time is coming soon, which means...
Christmas cookie time!!!
The kids got their gingerbread aprons (made special by Aladodo) to wear while making Gingerbread cookies and Hershey kiss sugar cookies.
The kids couldn't wait to get started. Daddy and the boys made sugar cookies. Daddy pulled them out of the oven and set them on the table so the kids could work together on unwrapping the mint Hershey kisses to put in the middle of each cookie.
Of course, they each had to try a chocolate.
Next, Ben found the cookie cutters while Cami worked on rolling out the cookie dough to make gingerbread cookie cutouts.
They each made gingerbread men and women. After the cookies were baked and dinner was finished, each of the kids happily tried out their creations!

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