Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh (School) Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We were excited to hear at the ALCS Parents meeting that the school was looking for a Christmas tree. Mr. Zehner stated that it had been many years since a live tree was in their entry way at school. After the meeting we approached him to let him know that our family was more than happy to donate a live tree, fresh from our backyard. With the trees growing so much every year, we knew we would need to cut a few out this winter in order for the other trees to be able to have more space to grow. It is a blessing that the tree can go to a good place. The kids are overjoyed that they get to help with such an awesome task of picking and cutting and decorating (with the students at ALCS) the tree.
The kids are filled with excitement as daddy cuts down the tree
Pulling it out to the truck
Let's load it in the truck and take it to school

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