Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We decided this year that we would start our own Christmas family traditions. After a really hard week of Dana recovering from a spinal blood patch after complications from a procedure, we were happy to have a day to spend together as a family. We decided that every Christmas we want to do some form of service. Last year the kids enjoyed ringing bells for the Salvation Army, so we decided to do it again this year. We were lucky enough to get the last slot at Hy-Vee, from 8-10am, on Christmas Eve.

After a morning at Hy-Vee, we went home. We let the kids each open up a gift. They spent part of the morning playing their new Wii while mom prepared Bulgogi, a Korean dish, and dad prepared Bobalki, a Slovakian dish. After a nice nap, we enjoyed an early dinner then headed to Christmas Eve service.
a family picture in front of church
a family picture in front of our Christmas tree
gift bag from Cami with her Christmas tree ornament in it
Christmas bag from Ben with Christmas tree ornament in it
Christmas tree ornament from Cami
Kids opening their gifts
Of course with Christmas morning right around the corner, the kids were eager to set out Christmas cookies and milk for Santa in hopes that Santa would leave a present and fill stockings.
Santa enjoyed some milk and cookies

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