Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Early Morning

It is finally 5:30 am in Seoul and time for the swimming pool to open. Ben has been up since 1am waiting to go swimming since he slept through the opportunity to go last night. We all slept pretty well, but were all up by 3am local time. The kids and Justin are heading to the pool while Dana uploads pictures to post and clear the camera card to fill back up today. We are excited by the adventures we will have today. The weather has cooled a little, but we hear is warmer and dryer than back home. We hear there has been snow. Thank you to Tom and Tammy and our neighbors, Kim and Josh, for making sure our sidewalks are clear. That is the one thing we forgot to plan for before we left.
We will be off to breakfast in a little while. We are excited to see what selections are available. On the Korean Airlines flight there was a choice of an omlette or Korean Ginseng Porridge. It is always fun to try new things.
We will post more pictures later....

1 comment:

Rosie O'Hearn said...

Hey! I told you I'm following along THIS close. I love all the updates and my heart is just bubbling over with excitement for you! I'll check again later for those pictures. Have a fabulous day!