Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, December 3, 2007

Meeting Ian

Here he is....

Ian greeted daddy by giving him a five on the hand.

Ian and Mommy...love at first sight.

Ian and Ben bond as Ian grabs onto Ben's face and Cami plays with Ian's hair.

Cami loves holding Ian. She even offered to feed him his pumpkin porridge.

Baby Ian meeting Grandma Bonnie

So this is the post most of you have been anxiously awaiting. And we made you wait a little longer than we had hoped, but we finally met Ian today. This morning, we took a taxi to SWS (HanSuh Hospital). It went quickly so we arrived 45 minutes before our 9:30am arrival time. Both Ben and Cami had passed out on the ride and both continued to sleep until we got in the van to go to see Ian.

When we arrived, Ben was still sleeping and then when he awoke he was being very shy and kept his eyes closed. Cami was having a blast with Ian. After some coaxing, we finally got Ben to open up when we had Ian start tickeling his hair. By the looks of this video clip, I think Ian will get along pretty well with brother Ben and sister Cami.

Ian has been crawling for about 1 month and he has two teeth (which arrived about 2 months ago according to foster Mom).

The foster mom said that he usually does not like strangers, but he was good with us. However, he did fuss a few times when foster mom left the room. So I'm sure he will go through an adjustment period and some greiving over the loss of his close ties with foster mom. We pray the transition is not too hard on Ian (or us).

Cami, Daddy, Ben, and Mommy at Coex Aquarium

After we met Ian, we went to COEX mall and visited the aquarium. The kids had a blast. We're now exhausted. We extended our stay at the Hilton so we don't have to move hotels and we're thinking seriously about leaving on the Wednesday afternoon flight instead of Thursday. We've covered a lot of ground and with three kids, we're not going to cover much more.

More pictures to come. At 2 pm we are suppose to meet Ben and Cami's foster parents and then at around 2:30pm, Ian is all ours!!!!

Don't forget, you can post comments now, just make sure you click on the anonymous circle when posting. Please let us know who you are though by adding your name to your post. We would love to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

I am up in the clouds over how beautiful all of you look together; what an incredible family! Congratulations! Hurry home!

~Rosie O.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot describe my reaction to seeing all the pictures and then the video, what a bonus!! Ian is even cuter than the baby pictures and I love the spikey hair! I think I checked my computer 5 times yesterday hoping for the update and was dejected each time it wasn't there. It is sweet to see the interaction with the kids and how they are gung ho into accepting a new sibling (at least right now). And Dana & Justin it is especially nice to see you both smiling again. So how much did you cry Dana, when you met Ian? Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures and dialogue. Being in suspense is the worst.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

God has sure blessed your family with three beautiful children!!! He is soooo cute!!! The kids really looked like they were having a great time with him. I am so excited with you all and Can't wait to meet Ian. Congratulation and have a safe and happy trip home!!!!
Paul and Stephanie K

Anonymous said...

We are so Happy that you are all finally together. We can not wait to meet Ian in person. What fun it is to have 3 kids!!!We wish you guys a safe trip home. Happy Traveling. Tell your mom we say Hi.
The Malloys