Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, December 6, 2007

First Night At Home

We made it through our first night at home. Ian and mommy slept on and off from 1am to 3:30am. Daddy took over for a while. We had a doctor appointment at 9:45 am and woke up about 15 minutes before we had to leave. The kids were still passed out and Justin was still sleeping, so Ian and I headed to the doctor. He is in good health with the exception of an ear infection. This explains why he was still fussy during landing even while drinking his bottle. We had a casual afternoon. Mommy and Ian slept from noon until about 5, still on and off, but in longer increments. We took the kids to their swim lesson tonight. Ben LOVES going to swim. This would have been Cami's first lesson, but she fell asleep on the way and slept through the whole lesson. Oh well.
Ian had his first bath tonight. He seems to like the water. Cami helped wash him up and get him ready for bedtime. We have found that he likes vegetable baby food and Veggie Gerber Graduates crackers. He is not fond of fruit baby food. It is fun watching him try to pick up the veggie crackers and put them in his mouth. Clothes are fun. He does not fit into Ben's old winter baby clothes. He is much longer than Ben was at this age, so he is already in the 12 month clothes, unlike Ben who was in 6-9 month clothes until his first birthday. Thankfully we have a few things that we picked up before we got him to have in case.

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