Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Home for the Holidays....

We are looking forward to the possibility of traveling out tomorrow to Eugene, Oregon to see Dana's mom and step dad for Christmas. We tried to fly out of Milwaukee today, but due to fog, most of the flights were cancelled out of the Milwaukee airport, including ours. After battling the crowds and getting in line to rebook, we are now planning on leaving Sunday afternoon. Thankfully, Dana was able to take care of the rebooking while Justin drove around with 3 sleeping kids in the car. We are praying for smooth travels tomorrow and not the snow predicted that could delay or cancel us again. Who would of thought that after buying tickets we would not be able to fly????

We received a nice gift from Rosie, a co-worker of Justin, which included a Simply Said book called Congratulations on your Adoption. In it there is a nice part in it that touched us, it reads...We know at times your journey seemed long...and the wait never-ending, but when you look into your child's eyes, you know your dear one was hand-picked in heaven's timing.

We celebrate this Christmas with 3 blessings from heaven! We are thankful to God for His timing in this, though it was a tough journey, we praise Him for bringing our children into our lives.

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