Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

First night

We made it through our first night with a pretty good night sleep, compared to what we were expecting. Ian woke up several times during the night, but was comforted by laying on Dana's chest. He is use to sleeping with his foster mom, so he wanted little to do with Justin during the night. He seems to be adjusting rather well to our family. He ate all of his sweet potato baby food last night and some of his carrots this morning at breakfast. We went to breakfast again this morning and the waitstaff was excited to see the addition to our family. We spent very little time holding him during our breakfast as the waitstaff took turns holding him, talking to him and playing with him while we ate. He seemed to enjoy all of the attention by the girls.

We are headed to the restaurant opening for Ben's foster mom. We are excited to go, but realized last night that we will have no translator to help us communicate. It will be a neat experience. After the opening and lunch, we will head to the airport on the KAL shuttle bus and then off to our Korean Airlines flight. We feel spoiled by Korean Airlines as they have wonderful staff and a personal inflight entertainment system where you can choose from a variety of TV shows, movies, and documentaries. The kids enjoyed the freedom of having their own TV and remote.

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