Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, December 17, 2007

Settling In

We're starting to settle in. Ian is sleeping during the night rather than wanting to play. Last night he slept from 8pm until 2:45pm, drank a bottle, then slept until 7am. I'm not sure he's still 100% comfortable with us, but he's adjusting well considering the upheval in the last two weeks of his life. He seems to really enjoy Ben as he smiles easily when he comes over to play with him. I also love it when he smiles when I come in the house. That's the best part of coming home from work - having the kids yell excitedly "Daddy" and then to see Ian smile at me. I know it sometimes makes Dana feel bad because she spends all day tending to them so she doesn't get the exuberant entrance. But she is a wonderful mother and the kids love and appreciate her deeply as do I.

I'm back to work full time now. Last week I worked less than 20 hours - I could get used to that, but it probably won't pay the bills. Tomorrow Ian has an "adoption checkup" doctor visit so I'll skip out of work on a long lunch for that.

Yesterday, we introduced Ian to our friends and church. Until that point, we'd stayed pretty close to home trying to give him time to get used to us.

This weekend, we're going to test that bond as we get on an airplane and head to Oregon for Christmas with Dana's parents. We bought the tickets (yes, we actually bought tickets) for the trip back in April and thought we'd have Ian home for a couple of months by this time. Oops, so much for planning in advance. Now I see there is possible snow on Saturday. We'll just take this one day at a time.

Tonight I'm working on our Christmas letter, hoping to get it out to everyone before Christmas. Thank you to everyone who has sent cards and letters and commented about the blog. We're glad you've been enjoying it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd almost given up on updates as I'd been checking daily and missing Justin at work....heh...no, not checking up on him, just checking IN with him. I love this picture and can hardly wait to see another "official" family photo. Good luck with the upcoming trip; I know God has you all in His loving hands and being as how there's nothing but love waiting for you on either end of the trip, you're all set! So glad to hear things are going well. And Dana, even we on the outside looking in thanks to this wonderful blog, know just how much YOU mean to Justin and the kids. It takes a very special woman to do what you do....and you do it so well! Keep it up, honey, and know that there's a very special place just for you in your babies' hearts (and Justin's too, I'm sure). Love you all very much! May the special blessings of Christmas be yours not just today, but always!
~Rosie O'Hearn