Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Survival Mode

We have been in survival mode these past few days as we adjust to a new baby and readjust to the time difference. We are happy to be so tired knowing that our son is finally home with us. We are blessed to have several meals in our freezer from our friends, Kris and Jason, who dropped them off at our house while we were in Korea. Justin's parents came on Friday and have made us wonderful meals and also helped as we continue to unpack and organize. Ian continues to do well. He is such a loving little boy. He is still getting use to having a sister and a brother. Ben and Cami love to help feed him, change him, and play with him...sometimes more than Ian can handle. He is use to peace and quiet in the home of his foster parents, who were in their 60's. Having a sister and a brother is something to get use to.
The kids enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa to play with this weekend as mom and dad tended to baby Ian and tried to get some much needed rest. They even got to open a few Christmas presents early.
As Justin's parents leave tomorrow we realize that we will be on our own tending to all 3 kids and also all of the meals, etc. We are excited to see Ian continue to adjust to us and will be excited to introduce him to all of you as we feel he is able to handle new people. We know that you will see as we do, that he is a sweet and loving little boy. We thank and praise God for this wonderful gift he has given us. He is a true blessing!


Anonymous said...

Just reading your posts makes me KNOW that everything will be just fine. I feel extradorinarily blessed to have your family be part of my life, so I can only imagine the depth of emotion and gratitude you must feel. And what a beautifully appropriate time for your family to be welcoming a new baby. As the song goes...."Shout from the highest mountain the glory of the Lord. Let all men know the wonders of His Love!" We MUST be special, huh? Love and hugs to all! ~Rosie

Anonymous said...

I've been reading Ian's blog. Your wonderful family are so exciting and encouraging!!!!!

In the coming months, what you could use is more rest even if you are a Marathon.

- - James